My Simple Banner:
In this lesson I made a simple banner which I created by looking at step by step instructions on moodle.
First I had to make a rectangle by using the shape tool and then use the anchor tool, press shift, and bend the rectangle inwards on both sides. After that I made a square also using the shape tool but I had to hold shift to create a square instead of a rectangle.
Then I used the direct tool, selected a corner of the square, then pressed the back space to crop half the square, making it into a triangle. I coped the triangle to make another one to create the banner.
After that I had to change the colour of the triangles so I double clicked on the layer, selected gradient, and then set it to -90 degrees which created a shadow on the triangles. Then I had to flip the triangles horizontally. I did this by selecting edit, then pressing transform, then flip horizontal. After I did this, I placed both triangles below the rectangle, making it look like a banner.
The I selected text box tool to add a text on the banner. I wrote 'Freak' and added an image of a three eyed cat that I created in the previous lesson. Then the last thing I did was use paint bucket to make the blue and pink background and used a bubbly pattern to go with it.
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