Thursday, 15 October 2015

Video Production- Editing

Editing our advert

After we done our filming, we had to go on Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 which is where we started to edit our advert. There we a lot of things I learned while editing this advert such as how to cut the video to only get the bits you want. To edit we had to import all the shots we filmed and then drag it in the blank space to edit the shots such as to cut out some bits. Then when you are finished editing your shot you drag it to the bottom to add to the video. You do this to all the shots and then when you are finished, you will have an edited video.

Also you can control the speed and we had to shorten our scenes because the video advert had to a maximum 30 seconds long but our advert is 31:01 which is not a big difference. What we have done was made the video black and white to give it a freaky look but to make it better, and also we made the sides black by searching it into effects and then dragging it on to each shot. After that, we took a scene and make it play in slow motion to the bit where Callum was falling to the ground after I hit him and then made it faster when he touched the ground to make it look better and dramatic.

When we did all that, we looked for music on YouTube that would go well with our advert. We  found a song called Silent Film which is music that people used in silent films and then we went to YouTube mp3 converter and downloaded the music. When we got the music, we cropped it and added it to the video and made the music fade out at the end of the video so the music doesn't just stop at the end. I did this by pressing Ctrl+Alt and then pressing it on the area of the video I want it to start to face out and then where I want it to end.

We also added some texts such as 'Spotlight Productions' at the beginning, 'Help, Help!' At the middle when the monster attacked me, and 'The End' at the end of our advert. We made these texts look fancy and old fashioned because it suited well with the music and the black and white effect.

We then saved the advert on to our hard drives twice so one video would be widescreen and the other one wouldn't. The last thing we had to do was upload our 'Monsters Chocolate Advert' on to YouTube.

What I learned when producing the advert was how to crop a scene, how to make it black & white which gives it a freaky look, how to make it in slow motion and hows to speed it up, and how to add text and add music to the video. These things I learned will help me in my future lessons and will help me make my videos better. What I learned when filming how to make the advert dramatic which was to have a lot of different shots and also I learned the different shots there are.

Video Production- Notes on Filming

Notes on Filming

We were give a sheet in our group where we wrote some notes about our filming such as how many scenes we are going to do, our location, the lighting in the location, props, and many more. We also had to make up a name of our production and ours was 'Spot Light Production'. At the bottom of the sheet we had to glue in an image of our location which we took a picture of when we looked found the right place to film my advert.

Video Production- health and Safety

Health and Safety

To film our advert we first had to read the health and safety sheet which explains what you can't do and what things to consider when filming. Then we had to sign the health and safety sheet to show that we have read it and that we understand what it says and that we will act responsibly when filming.

Monday, 12 October 2015

Photographic Evaluation

Photographic Evaluation:

In photography, our assignment was to create a FreakorUnique advert using 4 or more images of objects that we shot in our photography lessons and then we had to use Adobe Photoshop CS6 to create our advert and use different tools on it to make it look freaky. 

These images below are some of the pictures I found on the internet that inspired me and that I found freaky and also the pictures would be good to re-create.

This is the first image I found and I like this one because it is creepy and dark as you can barely see his eyes and all there is is darkness around him.

This image was also created on photoshop as the background and his eyes were darkened and the person was made black and white to give it a freaky look.

This image has two animals put together which is why I like it as the cats face was probably cloned on to the sharks face making it look unusual and freaky. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to re- create this image because there is no way I can go and shoot an image of a shark.

I find this image freaky because she does not have any eyes or a nose, she only has a large mouth on her face which makes it creepy. I think this image was created on photoshop by using the clone tool to clone her mouth on her face and then making the mouth bigger. The location was probably a dining room.

This image would be easy to re-create as I would only need to shoot an image of someone to stand side ways with their mouth open.

I found this image on the internet and I like this because it is unusual and freaky as the feet have a face which makes it look strange.

This image was created on photoshop as the mouth and eyes are put on the soles of the feet probably by using the crop tool or cloning tool.

This is the image above is the image I liked the most and my original plan was to re-create this and my plans was to take pictures of someones feet and their face in the lesson so I can create the image on photoshop. I got confused with the tasks I had to do so instead I shot images of some objects and then put them together to create an advert using Photoshop.

My objects were:
  • A shoe
  • Spongebob
  • Kit kat bar
  • Toy dinosaur
  • Eyes of a person
  • A camera

The first image I took was a Kit Kat bar and this is going to be use this for my own advert.

 The second object I shot a picture of was a little crocodile key ring which could give my advert a more cartoony look.

The third object I used was my own camera which will be used as an object at the background.

 The fourth object I used was a Spongebob toy and this will be used in my advert to give it a more fun and strange look.

Fifth image I took an image of was a shoe. This image will be the main object I will advertise as it will be in the center while the other objects will be smaller and at the sides.

When taking pictures of these objects, I had a few things to consider such as deciding on a right location for the shooting, what kind of props I am going to use, and equipment that I needed for this shooting. The equipment I needed was a camera, tripod, red head, white background (paper), and a light stand.

The red head is a bright light which is shone on the prop you are taking the picture of and it can get very hot when it is on for a while so I had to turn it off for about 5 minutes to cool it down before I could take it off the light stand. The paper is used as a white background to make it easier to crop the image when you are using photoshop.

The location of the shooting was at the corner of the room in the class room where we set up our equipment.

I thought the shooting will take about 10 minutes but it took longer than that. It took about 30-40 minutes as we had to set the camera right, focus the camera on the image, and shoot more than one image of the same object which we did just in case the first image was blurry and we didn't notice it.

To make these images brighter and better, I will need to go on photoshop and use levels and curves tool to make the background white and to make the object stand out and to make the colour of it brighter or darker.

The images blow are the ones I photo-shopped and made the background white and made it stand out more.

To create these images on photoshop, I had to use curves tool and levels tool which you can find on Image>adjustments>levels or pick curves. I used levels and curves to make the images have a white background and also to change the colour of the objects a little to make them stand out more.

Both of the photoshop tools I used were new to me so I had no idea how to use them but I asked for help when I did not know what I was doing and eventually I learned how to use both curves and levels tool.

What I would do differently next time would be shoot the same object several times from different angles because they might work better for my advert.

What I thought went well was the shooting because I know what techniques to use when taking a picture. For example, before you take a picture, you need to hold the shutter button half way down to focus the image on the object, when the green rectangle on your object appears you then press the shutter button all the way down.

I used many different editing techniques on photoshop to create the advert such as the cloning tool to clone the third eye on spongebob, pen tool to crop around the objects and place then on the same page, text box to create the two texts, blur to make the colourful spongebob blurry which gives it a ghostly effect, black & white to make most of the objects look creepy, curves tool to make the colourful spongebob look more yellow that it was when I took the image, and levels tool.

What I found difficult was photo-shopping the images as this is new to me and I am not familiar with different things I can do on it to make my image better and I sometimes need to start again as I go wrong many times. 

What I would do differently would be working quicker on editing my objects to have more time to think about what kind of advert I am going to make as I had to rush that bit and quickly think of a title.

In my opinion, I think I did well in this assignment even if I got confused with it, I still managed to make my final piece without having a plan with what I was going to make.

Memory Check-

Q1. What is ISO and what does it effect?

It stand for International Standards Organization and it affects the detail of the photograph. ISO is the level of sensitivity of your camera to have light.

Q2. When would we use the 'P' control setting on the camera mode dial?

'P' stands for program and we would use this to have control over the flash and it allows you to adjust white balance and also you control the ISO and lets you compose the image.  

Q3. Name two important considerations when attaching the tripod base plate to the bottom of camera?

Make sure the arrows are pointing to the direction of the lens and that it is tight enough so it does not fall off. 

Q4. Name three important considerations when using a red-head lighting kit?

Do not touch the barn doors and the bulb on the red-head because they get very hot and you can burn yourself. you need to leave it for 10-15 minutes to cool because if you move it too much when it is hot then you can break it. Also you need to make sure the cables are out of the way so no one trips over it.

Q5. When focusing a camera, what do we place on the object/subject to ensure it is the center of focus?

There is a green rectangle on the screen which shows which bit is in focus. Then you move the camera, the object will still be in focus.

Q6. Name two techniques we can use to adjust the brightness and contrast of a photograph?

 Use the curves and levels on an image on Photoshop. 

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Graphics- Designing a magazine advert (Evaluation)

Magazine advert

Today I designed my own magazine advert on photoshop and I advertised a chocolate bar called 'Monsters'. First I drew three sketches of the magazine advert I am going to produce so have an idea how I am going to lay out my advert. I had to include a headline that stands out, a slogan, a logo, and a background that will go well with the advert. I researched some banners to help me know different styles that I can use. I also researched how what magazine adverts look like so I can have an idea how to lay in out.

One of my sketches
After that I went one photoshop and started to design my magazine advert and used the sketches that I drew to help me. 

What I learned was how to use the magic wand tool which deletes the background of an image so it fits in with the background I already have. I also learned how to add a background to the advert and all I had to do is put it on the first layer. 

The target audience for this magazine advert is mostly children because it is bold and there are cartoon monsters on it which is eye catching and gets their attention.

This is what I created and in my opinion I think this is a good design because it is bold, it is spaced out right, and it is clear to what it is selling. The title 'Monsters' is eye catching and the product is well centered and the slogan "A bar a day keeps the monsters away" is catchy. 

I added a brick wall as my background which fits in well with the magazine advert and I inserted two monsters to make it more eye catching for children. The monsters on each side of the chocolate bar make the advert more fun.

What I would do differently next time would be make the the title 'Monsters' a different colour to make it stand out more because the background is red so the title should be a different colour. 

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Video production- Story Board

Our story board

We went on  and we created story boards for our advert of different shot we are going to do when we are filming. These images show the shots we are going to do and a description to what is going to happen in each of these shots.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Photography- Producing our FreakorUnique images

Images for my advert:

In this lesson I created an advert by shooting pictures of 6 objects and I had to use different equipment to do this such as a camera, tripod, red head, white background (paper), and a light stand.
The red head is a bright light which is shone on the prop you are taking the picture of and it can get very hot when it is on for a while so I had to turn it off for about 5 minutes to cool it down before I could take it off the light stand. The paper is used as a white background to make it easier to crop the image when you are using photoshop. 

My objects were:
  • Spongebob
  • A shoe
  • Little toy dinosaur
  • A camera
  • Kit kat bar
  • Eyes of a person

The first image I took was a Kit Kat bar and this is going to be use this for my own advert.
 The second object I shot a picture of was a little crocodile key ring which could give my advert a more cartoony look.
 The third object I used was my own camera which will be used as an object at the background.
 The fourth object I used was a Spongebob toy and this will be used in my advert to give it a more fun and strange look.

Fifth image I took an image of was a shoe. This image will be the main object I will advertise as it will be in the center while the other objects will be smaller and at the sides. 

To make these images brighter and better, I will need to go on photoshop and use levels and curves tool to make the background white and to make the object stand out and to make the colour of it brighter or darker.

Using these objects we had to create our own freaky advert on photoshop and I chose these props because I thought it would go well with the advert and it would give it a cartoon effect and also they would make my advert stand out.

The location of the shooting was at the corner of the room in the class room where we set up our equipment. 

The images blow are the ones I photo-shopped and made the background white and made it stand out more.

For this last image I used the curves tool to make the background different so I can see what it does to the images. In this image it shows how I made the image when using the curves tool.

I made the background look pink and purple and I made the camera have a lot of contrast.

Both of the photoshop tools I used were new to me so I had no idea how to use them but I asked for help when I did not know what I was doing and eventually I learned how to use both curves and levels tool.

I thought the shooting will take about 10 minutes but it took longer than that. It took about 30-40 minutes as we had to set the camera right, focus the camera on the image, and shoot more than one image of the same object which we did just in case the first image was blurry and we didn't notice it.

What I would do differently next time would be shoot the same object several times from different angles because they might work better for my advert.

What I thought went well was the shooting because I know what techniques to use when taking a picture. For example, before you take a picture, you need to hold the shutter button half way down to focus the image on the object, when the green rectangle on your object appears you then press the shutter button all the way down.

I used many different editing techniques on photoshop to create the advert such as the cloning tool to clone the third eye on spongebob, pen tool to crop around the objects and place then on the same page, text box to create the two texts, blur to make the colourful spongebob blurry which gives it a ghostly effect, black & white to make most of the objects look creepy, curves tool to make the colourful spongebob look more yellow that it was when I took the image, and levels tool.

What I found difficult was photo-shopping the images as this is new to me and I am not familiar with different things I can do on it to make my image better and I sometimes need to start again as I go wrong many times. 

What I would do differently would be working quicker on editing my objects to have more time to think about what kind of advert I am going to make as I had to rush that bit and quickly think of a title. 

Using these objects I went on photoshop and used different tools to make the images look freaky.